I've been a little busy, so pardon me for being late but: This is absolutely the stupidest fucking thing I have ever fucking seen. Why do these people have fucking jobs? Why do these people have fucking investors? Why am I saying "fucking" so fucking much? Because this shit is ridiculous, regardless where it lands on the fucking political spectrum. Here's a bit from Daily Caller's "interview" with its own reporter who claims to have been "questioning" the president while standing in the Rose Garden sans notbook or recorder and playing pocket pool in his khakis (Image from Getty, via The Atlanic):
“I shouldn’t be the story. The important thing is the president’s policy today, which could have a significant impact on American workers. I asked a question about that. Admittedly, it was in the middle of his speech. I thought he was ending his speech — his statement — but then I asked a question at the end and he turned his back on the reporters and walked away,” Munro said.
I posted on Facebook about this earlier, based on the photo of Munro doing his "half-drunk frat boy at press conference" routine:
Generally speaking, if one of my reporters asked a question -- on camera, before the world -- with both hands in pockets, which is pretty much universal speak for "I'm not even bothering to write or record you," I'd fucking fire them, not make excuses. But then I'm not running a propaganda factory like Tucker Carlson is at the Daily Caller. It really amazes me how many prominent LGBT people in DC have told me how much they like Carlson. I'm all for having friends who are Republicans, but not so much into having friends who are idiots.
Seriously, Neil Munro is a fake journlist who should have been run out of town on a fucking rail. Instead, he's got a secure job at a web site owned by trust-fund baby Tucker Carlson, who's willing to say or do anything in order to get attention, to the point that he makes Jonah fucking Goldberg look like a rational, reasonable and talented political commentator. It is in-fucking-comprehensible to me that any editor, publisher, owner, etc. -- again, outside of trust-fund babies who have no shame, only a deep and abiding sense of entitlement -- would keep someone like this on staff.
You'd think the right-wing conservative media would be embarrassed to adopt the ACT UP and Code Pink tactics they spent the entire Bush adminstration deriding. But then consistency, integrity and journalism aren't exactly things we should expect from the right-wing conservative media.
Seriously, why on fucking earth does Neil Munro still have a job anywhere other than World Net Daily?