From GOProud's Sept. 20, 2010 press release "GOProud to Harry Reid - Stop Using Gay Soldiers as Political Pawns" this statement from the group's executive director Jimmy LaSalvia, in response to Reid's inclusion of the DREAM Act in the NDAA:
“Harry Reid should stop using gay soldiers as political pawns in a cynical attempt to win votes for his re-election and keep his liberal special interests happy. The votes are there to pass Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell repeal; unfortunately, Senator Reid is shoe-horning controversial amendments dealing with amnesty for illegals and abortion into the Defense Authorization bill – a move that is jeopardizing the future of the bill.
“Now is not the time for political games. If Senator Reid refuses to drop these controversial provisions it will send a clear message to gay voters that Reid and the Democratic majority in the Senate cares more about pacifying the pro-abortion and pro-amnesty lobby than they do in protecting the brave gay men and women serving in our military.”
From GOProud's Dec. 1, 2010 press release "Do Democrats Want Tax Hikes More Than Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?" this statement from LaSalvia, in response to the threat by Republican senators to block DADT repeal if Democrats don't extend the Bush tax cuts:
“Senate Republicans are absolutely right. It is time that Democrats in the Senate stop playing political games with our economy. If Democrats are truly interested in getting to other important lame-duck issues, like the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, then they should act immediately to prevent jobs-killing tax increases. The American people are watching, now is the time for Democrats to decide what they want more – tax increases or repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. The choice is theirs.”
Well, the priorities are clear, even if the logic isn't.
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