Really, if you want to publish a book you'd better have an intense desire to do so* because the process is guaranteed to deplete your reserves of sanity -- not a good thing for people like me who were running low in the first place. That said, the long and winding road of making Boy Does World: 15 Years of Bad Behaviors, Bad Attitudes and Happy Endings a real, physical, pulp-and-glue product is almost finished. If everything holds for now, the book will be available for order within the next two to three weeks.
The cover you see here is the next to final version (which should give you a hint of what the hold-up has been).
I chose to go a non-traditional route for this, using iUniverse to create a print-on-demand book that could ordered through major online outlets as well as stocked in traditional bookstores. I figured that with my own experience in publishing for and marketing to a gay audience, the process might work better for me. While I'm reserving judgment until this whole project is finished, I would recommend to anyone considering the same path to learn more about the publishing industry than you ever wanted to know.
I would also recommend reading (and re-reading) this bit of advice from John Scalzi. Sage, it is.
*The ability and stamina to write one is also quite helpful.